Monday, September 22, 2008

On to Azerbaijan

Our staging is complete, and we are about to leave the hotel for JFK. During our instructions last night we were told that we would not have internet or phone privileges for about 2 weeks at least.
Our feelings - we are ready and excited to become members of the Peace Corps and Azerbaijan family. We are both confident and scared. We want to be good representatives of you the citizens of the United States, the Peace Corps, and we want to both contribute and be a part of Azerbaijan.

Denney and Linda - on to our new home.


Kathy Ginestra said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers daily. I admire your courage and willingness to serve!
Much love, Kathy Ginestra

Anonymous said...

Post a picture soon so we can see where you are!

We think of oou two often and know our prayers are for you daily.